Di sini kita menyajikan pemilihan foto terbaik tahun 2009 pada versi Reuters. Hope you have already enjoyed the ( Part 1 Hope Anda telah menikmati (Part 1 ) and ( Part 2 ) Dan (Bagian 2 ) selection. ) Pilihan. Check out this photos after the jump … Periksa foto ini setelah lompat ...
US President Barack Obama smiled, made a comment on regulatory reform in the East Room of the White House in Washington October 9, 2009. Presiden AS Barack Obama tersenyum, membuat komentar pada reformasi regulasi di Ruang Timur Gedung Putih di Washington 9 Oktober 2009. Earlier in the day, Obama was awarded the Nobel Prize 2009. Sebelumnya pada hari itu, Obama dianugerahi Hadiah Nobel 2009. (REUTERS / Jim Young) (REUTERS / Jim Young)
Miguel Cotto of Puerto Rico rises from the ring before referee Kenny Bayless sends Filipino Manny Pakuayo in a neutral corner during the fourth round of the battle for the welterweight championship of weight in the ring «MGM Grand Garden Arena» in Las Vegas on Nov. 14, 2009. Miguel Cotta Puerto Riko naik dari cincin sebelum wasit Kenny Bayless mengirimkan Filipina Manny Pakuayo di sudut netral selama babak keempat pertempuran untuk kejuaraan kelas menengah berat di ring «MGM Grand Garden Arena» di Las Vegas pada November 14 , 2009. Pakuayo won the title in the 12-round bout. Pakuayo memenangkan gelar dalam pertarungan 12-bulat. (REUTERS / Steve Marcus) (REUTERS / Steve Marcus)
A man peeping from the window. Seorang laki-laki mengintip dari jendela. The security person taking the guard. Orang keamanan mengambil penjaga.
People watching at the crashed plane. Orang-orang menonton di pesawat jatuh. While the rescue team searching for the injured persons. Sementara tim penyelamat mencari orang-orang yang terluka.
Benji Marshall from New Zealand struggles with a gift from Australia during the Rugby League match in Brisbane, May 8, 2009. Benji Marshall dari Selandia Baru pergumulan dengan hadiah dari Australia selama pertandingan Liga Rugby di Brisbane, 8 Mei, 2009. (REUTERS / Jason O'Brien) (REUTERS / Jason O'Brien)
An Israeli soldier guarding the ballot box during the elections at a military base on Mount Hermon in the Golan Heights – a strategic point, which Israel captured from Syria in the 1967 Middle East war. Seorang tentara Israel yang menjaga kotak suara selama pemilu di sebuah pangkalan militer di Gunung Hermon di Dataran Tinggi Golan - titik strategis, yang direbut Israel dari Suriah dalam perang Timur Tengah 1967. Israel's national elections, most likely, will present drama, said yesterday pollsters. Israel pemilu nasional, kemungkinan besar, akan menyajikan drama, kata jajak pendapat kemarin. Reportedly, the party of Benjamin Netanyahu, should win the election. Dilaporkan, partai Benjamin Netanyahu, harus memenangkan pemilihan.
A Palestinian throws a stone at Israeli soldiers on a background of smoke from burning tires during clashes in the Kalandia checkpoint near the West Bank of the Jordan River in the city of Ramallah October 9, 2009. Seorang Palestina melemparkan batu kepada tentara Israel di latar belakang asap dari pembakaran ban selama bentrokan di dekat pos pemeriksaan Kalandia Tepi Barat Sungai Yordan di kota Ramallah 9 Oktober 2009. On Thursday, Palestinian leaders announced a one-day general strike and warned of protests around Jerusalem, where collisions in the hot spots at the mosque of al-Aqsa mosque two weeks ago gave rise to protests in the city. Pada hari Kamis, mengumumkan para pemimpin Palestina satu hari pemogokan umum dan memperingatkan protes di sekitar Yerusalem, di mana tabrakan di hot spot di masjid Al-Aqsa Masjid dua minggu yang lalu menimbulkan protes di kota. (REUTERS / Yannis Behrakis) (REUTERS / Yannis Behrakis)
Grandmother hit penalty during a training session from Tzaneen in Limpopo province about 600 kilometers from Johannesburg October 8, 2009. Nenek memukul hukuman selama sesi pelatihan dari propinsi Limpopo Tzaneen di sekitar 600 kilometer dari Johannesburg 8 Oktober 2009. Fever at the World Cup came even before the old ladies in South Africa. Demam di Piala Dunia datang bahkan sebelum wanita-wanita tua di Afrika Selatan. Hundreds of poor older women in aprons and skirts have decided to fight for the ball. Ratusan perempuan tua miskin di celemek dan rok telah memutuskan untuk berjuang demi bola.
Olympic and world champion ran Useynov Bolt of Jamaica is feeding three baby cheetahs at the Kenya Wildlife Center in the Kenyan capital Nairobi on Nov. 2, 2009. Olimpiade dan juara dunia lari Useynov Bolt dari Jamaika menyusu tiga bayi cheetah di Kenya Wildlife Center di ibukota Kenya Nairobi pada 2 November 2009. Bolt sheltered cheetah named Lightning during startup program “adoption” of animals in a shelter for animals in Nairobi. Bolt terlindung cheetah bernama Lightning ketika startup program "adopsi" hewan di tempat penampungan untuk hewan di Nairobi.
Algerian police ran for cover during clashes with demonstrators in the district Diar Echams in Algiers October 20, 2009. Polisi Aljazair berlari untuk berlindung selama bentrokan dengan para demonstran di distrik Diar Echams di Aljazair 20 Oktober 2009. The demonstrators threw stones and firebombs at police in the capital of Algeria on the second day of protests over living conditions. Para demonstran melemparkan batu dan polisi di firebombs di ibu kota Aljazair pada hari kedua protes atas kondisi hidup.
Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (center) takes part in the presentation with the participation of Saudi princes in the 24th festival of culture and heritage on the outskirts of Riyadh, 10 March 2009. Abdullah dari Arab Saudi (pusat) ambil bagian dalam presentasi dengan partisipasi dari pangeran di Saudi-24 festival budaya dan warisan di pinggiran Riyadh, 10 Maret 2009.
Aaron Grayder riding on a “well armed” from the US jumps to the finish line in the seventh and final races during the Dubai Cup March 28, 2009. Aaron Grayder naik pada "bersenjata baik" dari US melompat ke garis finish di balapan ketujuh dan terakhir pada Piala Dubai 28 Maret 2009. Dubai Cup, the prize fund which is 6 million, is the richest prize in horse racing. Piala Dubai, hadiah dana yang 6 juta, adalah hadiah terkaya di balap kuda.
Military instructor (center) conducts training in a summer camp for boys in the village of Ovens, 70 kilometers east of Minsk, August 4, 2009. Militer instruktur (tengah) mengadakan pelatihan di sebuah kamp musim panas untuk anak laki-laki di desa Ovens, 70 kilometer sebelah timur Minsk, 4 Agustus 2009.
Palestinian goes through a tunnel used by smugglers during its reconstruction in Rafah near the Gaza border with Egypt on Jan. 22, 2009. Palestina berjalan melalui terowongan yang digunakan oleh penyelundup selama rekonstruksi di Rafah dekat perbatasan Gaza dengan Mesir pada 22 Januari 2009. Hundreds of Palestinians arrived at the Gaza border with Egypt, to try to restore the smuggling tunnels destroyed by Israel during the 22-day attacks, and to restore trade ties with the territories ruled by members of Hamas. Ratusan warga Palestina tiba di perbatasan Gaza dengan Mesir, untuk mencoba untuk mengembalikan terowongan penyelundupan dihancurkan oleh Israel selama serangan 22-hari, dan untuk memulihkan hubungan perdagangan dengan wilayah-wilayah yang dikuasai oleh anggota Hamas.
Israeli party leader «Likud» Benjamin Netanyahu (center) at the funeral of Rabbi Abraham Ravittsa in Jerusalem January 26, 2009. Pemimpin partai Israel «Likud» Benjamin Netanyahu (tengah) di pemakaman Rabi Abraham Ravittsa di Yerusalem 26 Januari 2009. Ravitts was chairman of the Jewish religious party «Degel Hatorah» in the Israeli parliament. Ravitts menjadi ketua partai keagamaan Yahudi «Degel Hatorah» di parlemen Israel. He suffered from heart disease and died at the age of 75 years. Ia menderita penyakit jantung dan meninggal pada usia 75 tahun.
Israeli police officers under the guise of fighting a Palestinian, whose son was detained during the protests in East Jerusalem area of Ras al-Amud, October 9, 2009. Polisi Israel dengan kedok memerangi Palestina, yang putranya ditahan selama protes di wilayah Yerusalem Timur Ras al-Amud, 9 Oktober, 2009. On Thursday, Palestinian leaders reported a general strike and warned of further protests in the Muslim day of Friday prayers in the mosque al-Aqsa Mosque. Pada hari Kamis, para pemimpin Palestina melaporkan pemogokan umum dan memperingatkan protes lebih lanjut di hari muslim salat Jumat di masjid Al-Aqsa. Israel said it does not take warnings about a general uprising of Palestine in earnest. Israel mengatakan tidak mengambil peringatan tentang pemberontakan umum Palestina dengan sungguh-sungguh.
Firefighters take away from the stadium of a young man injured during a qualifying match for FIFA World Cup 2010 between Cote d'Ivoire and Malawi in Abidjan on 29 March 2009. Petugas pemadam kebakaran ambil dari stadion seorang pemuda terluka selama pertandingan kualifikasi untuk Piala Dunia FIFA 2010 antara Pantai Gading dan Malawi di Abidjan pada 29 Maret 2009. At least 19 people were killed on Sunday when the pressure of wanting to see the match could not stand the stadium wall. Setidaknya 19 orang tewas pada hari Minggu ketika tekanan ingin melihat pertandingan tidak tahan dinding stadion. Then the police used tear gas to clear the place, causing a crush, which seriously affected many viewers. Kemudian polisi menggunakan gas air mata untuk membersihkan tempat, menyebabkan naksir, yang secara serius mempengaruhi banyak pemirsa.
Michael Hussey of Australia (right) was defeated Johan Botha (not pictured) from South Africa during the first match of cricket in Johannesburg on 27 mat 2009. Michael Hussey of Australia (kanan) dikalahkan Johan Botha (tidak digambarkan) dari Afrika Selatan pada pertandingan pertama cricket di Johannesburg pada tanggal 27 tikar 2009.
Islamist Jihad, Khaled al-Kafarna mourns at a funeral in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun on February 9, 2009. Jihad Islam, Khaled Al-Kafarna berduka di pemakaman di Gaza utara kota Beit Hanoun pada tanggal 9 Februari 2009. Islamic Jihad said that the Israeli army killed a Palestinian militant who tried to attack an Israeli patrol along the border with the Gaza Strip, ruled by members of Hamas. Jihad Islam mengatakan bahwa tentara Israel menewaskan seorang militan Palestina yang berusaha menyerang patroli Israel di sepanjang perbatasan dengan Jalur Gaza, yang dikuasai oleh anggota Hamas. The Israeli military, in turn, reported that the terrorist was killed trying to cross the border with Gaza. Militer Israel, pada gilirannya, melaporkan bahwa teroris dibunuh berusaha menyeberangi perbatasan dengan Gaza.
Jew lying on the floor during the prayer in honor of Tisha B'Av at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City the morning of July 30, 2009. Yahudi tergeletak di lantai selama doa untuk menghormati Tisha B'Av di Tembok Barat di Kota Lama Yerusalem pagi Juli 30, 2009. Tisha B'Av – a day of fasting and lament – means the date in the Jewish calendar, when they were destroyed by the First and Second Temples in the sixth century BC Babylon and in the first century AD Romans, respectively. Tisha B'Av - satu hari puasa dan ratapan - adalah tanggal pada kalender Yahudi, ketika mereka dihancurkan oleh Candi Pertama dan Kedua pada abad keenam SM Babel dan pada abad pertama Masehi Roma, masing-masing.
Tourists pass by the ultra-Orthodox Jews during a protest rally in Jerusalem on Aug. 8, 2009. Turis melewati ultra-Ortodoks Yahudi selama aksi protes di Yerusalem pada 8 Agustus, 2009. Israeli police dragged a few Jews, blocked off passage in the Old City of Jerusalem on Saturday during a protest against the public parking. Polisi Israel menyeret beberapa orang Yahudi, diblokir bagian dalam Kota Lama Yerusalem pada hari Sabtu selama protes terhadap parkir umum.
High school students to start the examination in a government school in Riyadh on Feb. 7, 2009. Siswa SMA untuk memulai pemeriksaan di sekolah pemerintah di Riyadh pada 7 Februari 2009. Tens of thousands of elementary, middle and high schools of Saudi Arabia began their week-long exams in the middle quarters. Puluhan ribu dasar, menengah dan sekolah tinggi dari Arab Saudi memulai ujian selama seminggu di tengah pemukiman.
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